People with seizure disorders or epilepsy can benefit from a neuropsychological evaluation in two principle ways that aid with treatment. When undergoing an evaluation at a comprehensive epilepsy center, a neuropsychological evaluation may assist physicians in determining where seizures are generated. Neuropsychological evaluations may also guide non-medical treatment, including by suggesting appropriate school accommodations. People with complaints of memory problems may benefit from looking at the page on cognitive rehabilitation.

  • Typically memory problems in people with epilepsy are caused by the seizures themselves or irritation of the brain due to past seizures.
  • Some medications can have a side effect of memory problems (ask your physician whether your medication is one of those)


Your Child and Epilepsy

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures

The Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California

Multiple Sclerosis

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

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