We are not currently accepting new psychotherapy or cognitive rehabilitation patients at this time.  Please check with your insurance carrier for in-network providers for these services.

We provide therapy for patients affected by cognitive and neuropsychological disorders: individual and group cognitive remediation to enhance organizational and memory strategies, and psychotherapy for individuals and families adjusting to brain injury or mild Neurocognitive disorders.  

These services include: individual and group cognitive remediation, and psychotherapy for individuals and families adjusting to brain injury and mild or significant Neurocognitive disorders.  Our treatments are designed to help clients cope with difficulties related to brain injury or illness and the associated emotional symptoms that can accompany brain changes with an integrated and evidence based approach. We assist by providing education regarding an individual’s cognitive weaknesses and strengths via testing. The test results then also serve to develop a tailored treatment plan either for relearning of cognitive abilities through exercises or to identify and enhance workarounds / compensatory strategies and to enhance organizational and memory strategies to help patients in operating better in their day to day lives.